Monday, April 18, 2011

Kind of Disgusted Lately...

Yeah, so I am kind of disgusted lately.  eHow had worked out so well, and it took me so long to even consider getting back to writing online.  I found List My Five, but I am really not earning much money there.  It is still a fairly new site, but I really think that I should be earning more money.

I have been thinking about joining Factoidz lately.  I've had a few friends tell me about how Factoidz pays more money for your articles.  I think I will be checking into that today.  Here, I made this blog hoping that I would have some good news for my readers, and instead, I am getting disgusted with my earnings.  Maybe Factoidz will turn out to be something good.  I'll have to keep you all posted.

I still think that blogging will eventually bring in some good money, but only if I can blog about something good, something that people are really interested in.  I don't know...  This could be it!  It hasn't earned much money yet, but I am pretty sure that patience is the key.  Meanwhile, at least I can save a lot of money by using coupons, and either way, the more I write, the more I will get paid...  eventually.

Click Here to Join Factoidz!

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